For 2018, we are now expecting 3 foals 


Nr.1 – Fine-Chin has due the 11th of may to Cornet Obolensky. The progeny for the foal will be

Cornet Obolensky x Chin Chin x Carthago Z

Nr. 2 – Devina has due the 14th of may to Elvis Ter Putte. The progeny for the foal will be:

Elvis Ter Putte x Heartbreaker x Darco


Nr. 3 – Diamant has due the 30th of may to Cicero Z. The progeny for the foal will be:

Cicero Z x Heartbreaker x Carthago Z

We are very pleased with this selection, and hope that all 3 of the foals will be born healthy and strong.

The foals will automaticly be for sale if they are colts. If they are fillys, we will have to concider if they should stay at our stable for breeding. If you are interessted in buying in utero, or moore information, dont hesitate to take contact.