The season of 2019 has been amazing!
We got 4 beautifull foals born, all healthy, good looking and fresh!
Our mares did, as allways, a great job!
SD Dalouba ( Balou du Rouet x Heartbreaker x Carthago Z) who is out of our broodmare Diamant Van Het Gevahof, gave the 4th of april birth to a beautiful filly from Kannan. Beautiful, correct and confident – what a foal! This was her first foal, and she impressed us all with her presens, her confident and super mother skills. We are so happy that both Dalouba and Kanouba in may was sold to the ambisious familie Høidal at Hvaler ( Norway). I think its amazing that I can sell my horses to someone that close, who I know will give them the possibilities to reach their full capacity. The plan for Dalouba is now during fall to break her in and slowly introducing her to her sport career.
Comme il Faut x Chin Chin x Carthago Z
Fine-Chin Van Het Gevahof ( Chin Chin x Carthago Z) was next one out, and she gave the 6th of may birth to a big filly from Casall! Fine- Chin had her 7th foal this yea
r, and she never disappoint us. Her births are easy, and the foals are strong and fast up standing and drinking. We had decided in advance to keep the foal if it was a filly, so we was very happy to meet the big brown girl that late evening. Casallina will be kept for breeding and sport in the future, and we are very satisfied with her!
When she entered her 30 days heat after her birth, we took her to our eminent stud. veterinary at JJ Horses ( ) , and he insimineted her with 1 single straw from Comme il Faut! If you are a littlebit updated on the ods of getting pregnant with 1 straw of frozen seemen from Comme Il Faut, im sure you can imagine how extremely happy we was to get the confirmation of her pregnancy after 17 days! Her due for 2020 will be approximately 4th of may, and the foal will be for sale, if its a colt.
Cornet Obolensky x Heartbreaker x Carthago Z
20th of may our dear Diamant gave birth to her 10th foal – and a big beautiful colt was born. Dina is just the best mum, and I really think she loves that role. She teaches her foals so quickly, and they are all very smart. They all got plenty of blood, but in a good way. SD Kanbreaker, from Kannan is the full brother of SD Dannan, who we sold to Lisen and Peder Fredricson back in 2016. Kanbreaker also have other halfsiblings who has done good, among them Jericho ( previously rider Bertram Allen – now in USA) and Mithras ( previously owner Peder Fredricsson – now in the USA). SD Kanbreaker will be put up for sale this fall – get in touch for moore info!
For this year, our plan was actually to insiminate Dina to a younger stallion – but she wanted it differently. Early sunday morning, she was ready to drop and we had to turn around quickly and use something frozen from the tank. The choice fell on Cornet Obolensky. Dina had a beautiful foal from him back in 2016, but unfortunately he died as a foal, so all fingers crossed we will get a fresh and healthy one next year! If its a colt – he will be for sale.
Emerald Vant Ruytershof x Heartbreaker x Darco
Devina ( Heartbreaker x Darco) had her due in end of may, and the 27th she gave birth to a super good looking colt! Already from getting his noose out in the world he showd us that he was a independent, confident and strong young foal! He jumped up on his legs and started galloping around in his box, just a little hour after he was born. But the drinking? Nope, he didnt want any help, he wanted to explore the world, the walls, mums tail – you name it. After a few hours he figured it out though. With his winning mentality, his look and body, his movement and assertiveness, we saw a possible future stallion prospect in him. Im therefor extremely happy to announce that he is sold to JJ Horses, in Norway! I will tell more about this in a later post!
We brought Devina for insimination, and she was also pregnant straight away – 1 straw used, and pregnant from Emerald Van`t Ruytershof. Im so happy with this line up, and im sure the combination will be top top! Her due will be approx 28th of may, and we hope for a filly we can keep. If its a colt – he will be for sale.
Bamako De Muze x Vigo D`arsouilles x Cardento
Our 2 yr old filly in Netherland has also done her job this year, giving us an pregnancy with embryotransfer! Rosa Rubiginosa Van de Lentamel is pregnant to Bamako De Muze! Good blood cannot lie ! Bamako de Muze is the son of two producers of champions : Darco and Fragance de Chalus, dam of stallions Mylord Carthago, Norton d’Eole and young star L’Hermes de Muze. Bamako has showed his talent at international level under saddle of Karline de Brabander. His production is young and has quality, he is one of the best Sires of young horses in Belgium. Bamako de Muze is currently amongst the best sires in the world, for offspring that is eleven and younger in the Horsetelex ranking. The surrogate mare will stay in Belgium, and the same will Rosa. We will try to make a embryo or two from her again next year. After that she will come home to Norway. Her foal from Bamako will be for sale.
We at Stall Dal will continue with our eager work, to try to find the best combinations for the futures sporthorses. We try to predict what the course will expect from the horses in 10 years, and off course, it`s a shot, but not necessarily «all in blind». We use motherlines we trust and have faith in. We combine proven bloodlines. We focus on healthy happy horses, and we put quality infront of quantity. I dont belive its necessarily a «right or wrong» way to do things, but you need to put your heart in it. You need to belive in yourself, but also be humble for those with more experience. Have your goal clearly in front of you and give yourself time to reach your dreams. It takes decades to build a good damline, and there are no shortcuts. And last but not least, raise yourself above those who are jealous, there will always be someone who do not wish you success.
With this little summary of the breedingseason 2019, I would also like to say thank you, to the whole team, to my dearest husband Anders, my familiy supporting in every way, to all the super girls working in our stable ( you truly do a great job), to all our friends for all the advices and discussions, to my trainer for all his lessons and knowledge, and off cours to our eminent veterinary, Ole Jørgen Jørgentvedt, and his team- who makes my dreams come true!