Askim and Arendal
So after 9 months pregnancy, and 6,5 months without riding, I have been thrilled to get back in the saddle again! Hopina has been at a stable in Sweeden for 3 months, and we brought her back to Norway for some rest and easy days in the midle of august. 2 weeks after Amalie was born, I got back in the saddle and started training her and preparing her for the championship for 5 yr olds. She has been in a total different system then what I have for my horses, so she was quite different to ride when I started again. But the 21th october, exactly 5 weeks after Amalie was born we got back in the ring and compeeted at a small local show in Askim. Just 1m and 1.10, so I could get the chance to adapt and train my eye a bit. Hopina felt good, didnt jump amazing, but was clear round. I on the other hand forgot the course in the jump off in 1.10, so we got a few faults there.
Then we went to Arendal for a bigger show the last week in october. When we got down there I didnt get the best feeling with Hopina, she had a little swollenness in her front leg, and I decided not to compeet her, I dont want to take any risks. «Better safe than sorry».
So that show was a boomer, without that competition in my body I also called of the championship for 5 yr olds this weekend in Arendal. I dont want to present her for anything she (or I) isnt ready for. Now when its anyway so late in the season I want to take a proper vet.check on her before training any moore, So next week we are going to the specialist and welknown veterinary Jonas Tornell in Sweeden. Her leg is all good again now, but I allways vet.check my horses twice a year, to make sure their all fit and healthy. With no moore shows coming up this year, we will use the next months for training and preparing her for the 6 yrs season! Im super excited!